Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Blog You, Too

Razvane! Prietenul meu, salud salud salud, si bine-ati venit la viitorul, Neb 2.0.

Ne asteptam,

P.S. Sper sa cream ceva frumos si perceptiv aici si alt-undeva.

P.P.S. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut CD-ul Available Light.
Hai sa citizi ceva mi-a scris prietenul meu Alexei "The Old Space Ranger" Panshin despre fata CD-ului:

" The picture itself is beyond price. It's a gift from God:

It's totally real, unposed and in the moment.

But it can't quite be read because of the building and shadows behind.

The sharp dividing line of the building edge gives the picture a very designed look.

The picture has a moving symbolic or metaphorical transformational meaning.

It's universal, not personal.

And it glows.

Blessings on Elena for catching the bird on the wing. And blessings on you for recognizing the picture when you saw it."

Zic eu, "Blessings on you, Razvane, for finding and marrying Elena."

P.P.P.S. Radio Free Earth is playing at the Peace on Earth Festival, at the Greek Theater, at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, AR on Saturday September 15, around sundown... For more info see Radio Free Earth's web site.

Razvan, check on your link to our site. It's

Cu drag,

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